Transmission & Embodiment

A 4-Day Retreat in the Heart of Tucson


This February 16th through 19th I will be co-facilitating a live in-person retreat with my friend Kenneth Jover in Tucson AZ. This 4-day retreat will be a chance for people engaged in healing work and self-cultivation to experience our complimentary methods and teaching styles. Participants will enjoy lively lectures, guided practice with a focus on embodiment and peer interaction through breakout sessions. There will be opportunity for participants to receive a private acupuncture or energy work session at no extra cost.

Participants will be responsible for their own food and lodging.

Pay for classes individually -
$100 per class

Pay in full for the complete apprenticeship -
$1000 total ($200 savings)

Enroll in a payment plan for the complete apprenticeship -
12 payments of $90 ($120 savings)
